Sunday, August 15, 2010


woke up in the morning..
prepared to skul for DIABOLO PERFORMENT..

i reached skul..
after tat,meet other fren
then v praticed 2gether..

waiting at backstage..
at the same time..
v took some foto..^^
Farm & Aik make us laught non-stop..
they so funny la..

its time to perform..
all of us very intensity.
then walked to the stage...

started performed...
i cannot do very well..
five of us also not did well...


after go back to backstage..
Chin told us tat 28 ogos v have a perform at RAJA ABDULLAH..
(Jack's skul)
she asked us wan go ant..
Raja Abdullah invited us..
we say yes..
so i said :" v must pratice more,n take gud perform for the next performent^^"
n Chin said :" mayb they will invite one  mystery person..
i said :" i think is JACK tan
chin :" yes..."

so,i sure will go la...
28 ogos..
gud luck to us^^

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