Sunday, December 30, 2012




今天要好好休息 昨天因为临时不烧香 急时抱佛脚的温习 结果到天亮直接去考试。
睡了一大觉, 晚上和家人聚聚 喝喝酒 谈谈天 :)

一个温馨的夜晚 :)

Friday, December 28, 2012

One down, Four to go

I just hope that I won't see u anymore-Dear Tamadun Islam & Asian.
Treat me good pls!! Idw study history ANYMORE!!!

4papers to go, we consider it as THE MOST HARDEST SUBJECT. Because there're all in 4 credit hours. A very hard score subjects. LOLLL
• Mass media and society
• Film and society
• Broadcast writing( Radio )
• The modern electronic media

So off to study for tmw's paper(MMS)
Good luck all candidates :D


Tdy will be the first day of finals in sem2.
Papers for Tdy is Tamadun Islam Dan Asia.
A subject which similar like history. It's freaking bored!
So Woke up early in the morning and to re-read Tamadun.

Good luck & all the best who taking TITAS later :)


两个月没写部落了 是因为忙 还是没那个兴致特地打开电脑而写部落...
直到今天 读书读到太无聊 在apps里给我发现这个'blogger' 立即下载 所以 我会时常出现回咯 (: